Sunday, 13 February 2011

Life Drawings

 Because I have not been doing very much of my doll work being to engrosed in my college work I have decided to show you some my life drawing drawings :D  It is extreamly relevent for making a bjd because if you don't know the body proportions or anatomy ypur going to get some really interesting dolls. And probubly should be done before you start sculpting, but if your like me you do it as you go.

So the Origanal drawing...

 To this : It looked better without the tracing paper layer on but I was experimenting.

And two more I like.

I did about 12/13 drawings in 6 hours and then spent most of the next day sat in the canteen and libary drawing tiny pictures of people. I think I might have annoyed a few, but in an art college they should be used to it. I hope these few are usefull, if not then they're an insite into my college day.

And I have decided that instead of going straight into porcelain I will test the stringing system in pollimer clay first (and post how to do it!) seeing as this is just a hobby, I'm not to fussed really. :D

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Not so much progress......

Rather unfortunetly over the last week There hasn't been any progress on my doll. My college work seems to be taking over and I am quite unhappy about this..... The few molds that are sanded are looking quite nice, and I didn't realize how bad some of the others were. Hopefully though, I can start working on them again and maybe I shall show you some more things from my sketchbook later this week.

 I will however leave you with this picture.... I have plans to make her into a doll, any thoughts?